Lama Fera is the powerful healing modality in which 45 symbols of Shalvik Mantra Rahasya are created with the vibrations of 4,50,000 mantras and are converted into 12 special symbols which are used by healer. It is said to be the fastest energy based healing modality available on the planet today. It works more effective and multi fold times than Reiki or Pranic Healing.
Benefits of Lama Fera:
- It equalizes i.e. balances Male and female energies in the body.
- It equalizes all 3 Guna i.e. Rajo (Energy of Creation), Sattva (Energy of Maintenance) and Tamo (Energy of Destruction).
- It equalizes all the 5 elements in the body viz – Earth, Watar, Fire, Air, Space and Aether.
- It balances the activities of Ida and Pingla Nadis.
- Balances and strengthens all the Chakras in body. Thereby balancing all kind of emotional, mental and physical problems.
- Gives inspiration to become a Karmayogi (a Karmayogi is a person whose actions are done in a detached manner, without expecting the result.)
- It promotes chemical processing of the body, muscles, bones and gives them strength and radiant energy.