(Ideal for people below 18 years of age)
Drawing Analysis & Remedies
Graphology i.e. handwriting analysis should not be done for people below 18 years of age. As at this age the person has more influence of their parents. Hence we suggest to go for drawing analysis so as to arrive at accurate reading of the persons subconscious mind map. And to suggest remedies accordingly.
The subconscious mind understands the language of graphs. And graphs are made up of dots, lines and curves i.e. drawing. Thus, through drawing an individual communicates his subliminal thoughts related with the components incorporated into it. Drawings uncover the identity in a very subtle way since the individual expresses through symbols.
Thoughts which can’t be communicated in words get communicated as a symbol in drawing. So you can know the individual much better.
Drawing is the most effective tool to know the thinking of children. As they may not necessarily able to provide a sample for graphology.
Drawing analysis has also been used extensively in various fields like counseling, crime investigation, child development, recruitment of illiterate skilled labour etc.
The subconscious mind understands the language of graphs. And graphs are made up of dots, lines and curves i.e. drawing. Thus, through drawing an individual communicates his subliminal thoughts related with the components incorporated into it. Drawings uncover the identity in a very subtle way since the individual expresses through symbols.
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